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ISSUE 3 - January 2024




2024 IAMM Champion



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"Missionary service is not just an act of spreading faith. I believe it is an expression of compassion, a commitment to service, and a transformative journey that illuminates the path of seløess love, connecting hearts across borders and cultures. If we are truly serving God, we must follow Jesus’ example “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” ‘ (Mark 10:45) Brenda Gilbert, IAMM Champion

As the wife of IAMM’s founder, who is also the senior minister of Sheldon Heights Church of Christ in Chicago, IL, many may conclude that serving in a missionary capacity is expected of Sis. Brenda Gilbert. But after spending time getting to know our 2024, IAMM Champion, we discovered that while her love for her husband, family, and church family is undeniable, her unwavering commitment to missionary service extends far beyond human understanding or expectations

Sis. Gilbert’s life and service reøects her love for Jesus Christ. In her view, this work is not just a mere obligation, but a calling deeply rooted in her spirit that can’t be denied. Often referred to as a beacon of light and hope to others, Sis. Gilbert has enriched and inspired countless lives, even when facing health challenges of her own. In true form, with humility and humbleness her örst reaction when informed that she was chosen as our örst IAMM Champion of 2024, was to share the honor with others.

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“IAMM Champion – Wow! I am honored and deeply touched to receive this award. But in my humble opinion, every single IAMM volunteer is an IAMM Champion. The seløessness exhibited by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and administrative staff before and during a mission trip is remarkable. It demonstrates that when we work together, we can make a tremendous impact on the lives of others. So today, with extreme gratitude, I share this with everyone who is a part of this incredible team,” expressed Sis. Brenda Gilbert.

Through her missionary service Sis. Gilbert fosters understanding and unity among diverse communities. Her willingness to immerse herself in different environments, embracing various cultures with an open heart, transcends barriers and build bridges where there was once divide. In doing so, she has become a living testiment to the idea that, despite our differences, we are all interconnected as one human family through Christ Jesus. Whether providing aid in times of crisis, offering educational opportunities, or addressing the basic needs of the underprivileged, Sis. Gilbert exempliöed the true essence of humanitarianism.

Sis. Gilbert admits that witnessing the thankfulness of those IAMM serves is a reward in itself.

“The children gazing up at doctors in silence with joy because they know they will soon be well again - priceless. Experiencing someone giving their life to Christ for the very first time - unmatched! And Patients traveling on foot, from miles away to be treated - unbelievable and inspiring. Many tell us we are a blessing to them, but the truth is, they are a blessing to us,” Gilbert continues

“I thank God for my husband leading this charge and I am appreciative for every mission trip, every soul saved, and every man woman and child our team has provided medical service for. As long as I am able, I will serve in this capacity. There’s no greater reward than serving God while helping others.” concluded Sis. Gilbert

On behalf of IAMM, thank you for all that you do. Sis. Brenda Gilbert, You are an IAMM Champion


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11355 South Halsted Street

Chicago, IL  60628


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